This group is specifically created for the vision of a new Robot Simulator game that's like the original Robot Simulator game by Robotever, except a new and better version thats by us, with all the updates we players always dreamed of & more. This is gonna be a huge project, no promises, but hopefully this game can be beyond our expectations. SOME UPDATE PLANS: 1. New Robot Designs with weapons matching their bot type and newly designs lobby map 2. More Holiday Robots, Which Includes: Return of the Zom Bot and Gloom Bot (Halloween) Ice Bot (Christmas) Love Bot (Valentines Day) Air Bot 3. New customized soundtracks for the lobby map and for each bot type level in the mine 4. Elevators will be available to teleport to the top of the surface in any location. 5. Battle Stages with new environments 6. In battle when bots level 100+ loose 75%-80% of health can use their best ability in their moveset (Rage Drive) except the hit is much harder and does more intensifying damage to their enemy