Welcome!! STAFF: 1. What makes you qualified for this rank? 2. Would you be able to handle stressful conflicts? 3. What’s your timezone? 4. How many times would you be able to host per week? 5. We’re hosting a rbx giveaway. Someone doesn’t get the rbx & they start complaining about how unfair everything is, WWYD? 6. Do you have a server? 7. Do you agree that if you have to go inactive for a while, you have to tell us about it? 8. do you acknowledge the fact that you’ll need to stay professional during serious situations? 9. someone calls someone’s morph “inexperienced”, other people notice it and gather around. WWYD? 10. Someone reports to you that they got scammed, you're the only staff available in the mall and Cryst is afk. WWYD? 11. People beg to be accepted during staff apps, WWYD? 12. We’re hosting a morph contest. Someone doesn’t get enough points, so they start arguing. WWYD? 13. do you have 💿?