♦︎ ──── ♦︎ [ Strong Studs ] ♦︎ ──── ♦︎ ♦︎ Follow Roblox Terms of Use, thank you. (◕_◕) ♦︎ Ran by several people, another friendly Bara Group where cool and amazing people are. (◕‿◕) ♦︎ Anyone is welcome to join as long they are peaceful, feel yourself at home. This is your safe space. (/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ♦︎ Group Icon by Bruno_Ichigawa ♦︎ ────── ♦︎ [ Notice ] ♦︎ ────── ♦︎ ♦︎ Alternative accounts, suspicious accounts or people breaking Roblox ToS (including but not limited to cxn accounts) will be kept in the "[X]" role or kicked at once without chance to pass ! (╯°□°)╯ ↑ Adding this, attempting to rejoin for the purpose to continue breaking Roblox ToS or bypassing this will lead to a ban both group and games with no chance to appeal. (¬_¬ ) ♦︎ ─────────────────────── ♦︎