Dragon Raiding

Roblox Group

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2 years ago
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Tracked Since
4 months ago
Stats Updated
2 weeks ago


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Hello, the creator of the group has not been able to log in for the past months/days and they are trying to log back in for now they are in an alt account called asdgesgsh4666 (Or Mr Spooks)
4 months ago


Welcome, New members! Here we have certain rules for you to follow!

-Please Do not break the roblox TOS
-Do not ask for a Rank up
-Do not spam (Would involve in an exile)
-Do not click on random links (Scammers would be EXILED and their posts will be removed from the wall)
-Do not harass the Animus or the leader

Here we have animus! If you ever see one breaking more than one rule tell me, they will either get a warning or demoted.

If you are a Leafwing, you are a player to all the games I have made! Please also listen to these rules I trust the Animus will give you a warning if a rule is broken.

If you are a Scavenger, you are a tester to all the games, I have made! Breaking a rule would involve in a warning, but if you break more than one rule you will be demoted from your role.

Also, if you play Wings of Fire [Beta] if you see a leafwing named Clover (or Nettle) it's me! (My dragon has green scales with fades that go into dark green)


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Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?New MembersDec '24Jan '25Feb '25Mar '25Jan '25Mar '25-101-221w1m3mAll

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