Behold! The gathering and birth of the reincarnation of the pumpkin has arrived! We are the chosen ones. The immortal ones. The pumpkins. ➼You don't need a pumpkin hat to join, we have a rank titled "Pumpkin Hat Wanters." --- ⁌**We have recently added a role for UGC/Other pumpkin hats.⁍ --- ➼Main ranks are towards accessories that incorporate the sinister or classic pumpkin mesh. Examples: • Classic - • Sinister - (Check the ranks for a list of pumpkin hats.) ! Rules: ! 1. Respect everyone in the group. 2. No flame wars or "trolling" other users. 3. Don't compare Pumpkins to other hats. This is a group for having appreciation for owning a pumpkin hat. 4. Do not get mad if you do not get ranked up asap. Make a group wall post and/or PM me. 5. Don't ask for donations. 6. Don't spam. 7. Don't make a wall post asking people to join any groups without my permission.