— Welcome — This was the fir st ever Taylor Swift Reputation themed group on Roblox. - 🐍 - Events: - Q O T D (Question of the Day) - GTS/GTE (Guess The Song) - GTA (Guess The Album/Acronym) - FTL (Finish The Lyrics) - WYR (Would You Rather) - Trivia ★ ★ ★ Rules: - No hatred - No disrespect - Only allied groups may advertise (once every fi v e hrs each day) - If you have a problem with Taylor Swift/swifties, please leave :) ★ ★ ★ Shout Schedule: - Monday: maeve (owner) - Tuesday: Ghost - Wednesday: KYLEE - Thursday: Rose - Friday: violet - Saturday: Rose - Sunday: starsaroundmyscars ★ ★ ★ Roles: Ask in the Wall for any song rank! Other ranks must be specially obtained ★ ★ ★ - 🐍 - Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy! - Are you ready for it? - Est. 4 - 6 - 23 { i will be inactive until this group update has been changed by Roblox. i will check in every so often to see if anything has changed. 🫶 }