Heroes of Robloxia

Roblox Group

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14 years ago
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4 months ago
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Bloxville begins soon. Welcome new members! We are private to avoid any scammers.
6 years ago


Welcome to The Heroes of Robloxia 
Inspired by Boku No Hero Academia and the event
Main Heroes: Captain Roblox / Tessla / Overdrive / Kinetic / Amythesto

Their will be constant Movies based on the mains heroes and their will be a mini series for the heroes in training. Current series: BLOXVILLE

To become a official hero you must go through training as a HIR,Hero in training, to level up be active. After completing training you can either work your way up from low profile hero to big league by patrolling and taking down villains etc.. or if a big league hero takes you in as a sidekick..or you can form a alliance within the group evil or good. To become a hero or villain PM me your backstory and your abilities you may on have one power and it can't be overpowered (2 powers max). Lastly your hero/Villain name must be custom and PM me for a custom suit if you want a custom team Pm


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