Skrillex Fangroup

Roblox Group

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14 years ago
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2 years ago
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22 hours ago


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Hey everyone! I'm a DJ now, and I would really love it if some of you would check out my mixes! They range from real chill stuff like Odezsa and Galantis too dubstep like Dubloadz and MurDa! Add me and message me for the link!
9 years ago


YES OH MY GOD. Welcome to the Skrillex fangroup. If you like Skrillex, this group is for you. You can download his EP on his facebook page, under info. The rules are simple. And that is that there are barely rules at all. I don't care about your language, as long is everyone can understand you and that you use good grammer and don't use extremelly hateful words. No religion talk, please.


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