A roleplay group for everyone. We roleplay with morphs and roleplay fight. We Roleplay alot really. But All that matters is for you to be happy and having fun. We aren't very mean so don't worry.We roleplay in random places we made and other pokemon places. Rules: 1: Don't be rude 2: If you have a made up pokemon, Send me a Friend invite and then message me when I accept. 3: Don't God mod. It wont be fair. 4: If you want your made up pokemon a picture then send me a request. 5:Get Permission to kill...Meaning ask the owner if you can kill their pokemon. 6: Sometimes their will be contest...Depend on how I feel. 7: Don't ask for admin. 8: Your allowed to make up moves and types. 9: If you want to rp another person fake pokemon, like being a fake pokemon they made then ask them first. 10: Please do not copy and take credit of someone fake pokemon 11: Don't Judge other people fake pokemon and saying how lame it is.