Welcome to MUD (MASH-UP Designs) Try and make your footprint on this Earth small. Just because we will not be here in the future does not mean we can ruin it for other generations. This Earth is OUR home. The little things count, like turning off the light in the other room when you are not in there, changing your diet, buying from thrift stores. Go out there and make a change. Having an idea and implementing them are two different things! Because, in the end, the smallest footprint can be the biggest step towards a change. A step towards a better world. Try our clothes and MASH things up a bit. Enjoy your time here while it lasts. Established 3/1/2015 The rules are just like all basic Roblox rules, so no hateful comments, bullying, no self promotion etc. Also please don't spam. Doing any of these can result in being ban from the group. P.S I can only make clothes for 5 robux. That is the cheapest Roblox will allow. Have fun!