Welcome to TAWOGRE, the #1 active fan group for the show! This group is based on the popular 'Cartoon Network' show, 'The Amazing World Of Gumball' In this group we talk about episodes, start quizzes and contests. You are sure to have fun here, since we all have something in common. :^> To rank up, take part in group activities, answering questions, suggesting questions or taking part in contests. (I'll do this manually from time to time :]) Have your own Gumball-related group? Send us requests to be allies! We'll accept it! [RULES] 1. Do not send suspicious links. You will be banned without warning. ("Suspicious links" basically means those robux scams you see all over the place) 2. Try to type everything you want to say in one comment, in order to avoid spamming. 3. Be noice. :^)