No Teamers!

Roblox Group

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9 years ago
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4 months ago
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2 days ago


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they must die!!
5 years ago


You're just minding your own business in a fun game, and then two people come on and start killing everybody, and nobody can stop them because they're 2 of them, and they have an advantage that no one can beat! Are you angry? You are probably thinking "This group is stupid, they are teaming", well actually we would only kill the teamers, and leave the non teamers alone!

Also, by teaming we mean games where people get an unfair advantage from taming up, as opposed to games where you get placed in teams.

We are a group that only teams to kill players who are teaming unfairly. When we do fight teamers, it is on separate servers (usually). Also, by teaming, we mean people who team up to make a game un-balanced, and unfair. If we were to "team", we would not fight anyone, other than the teamers, until they rage quit.

So, if you are tired of everybody teaming and making Roblox a bad place, join this group and be part of the "No Teamers" clan! 


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