House Hayford is a noble house situated in the Crownlands. House Hayford's seat is in the town of Hayford, a day's ride North o# ####'s Landing. Our Coat of Arms is a green fretty over gold, with a green pale wavy. The House Words are "To Those we Hold" showing their undying loyalty. Current Lord: Dwerrow Hayford (HailMontgomery) Current Heir: James Hayford, brother of Dwerrow (HailKennedy) Castellan: Captain Alex Mourguen (Alpal227) Justiciar: James Hayford (HailKenendy) Knight Commander: Roblox censors his name for some reason, check the Knight Commander rank. Treasurer: Empty Maester: Maester ##### (Syvesh) Uniform can be found in group store, happy to give funds.