Welcome to the founding's of SCC , we are very proud to have you within our group! Founder - @xCrystalJxy CEO - @DinomiteDom1234 Chairman - @Thuglikamug President - @Muddale VicePresident - BetterDiscoman123 Here at SCC. we want to provide great clothing for our fellow people of "Roblox" , but the only way we can do this ; is we come come together as an whole rather than one. (This group is still currently in the making) Low ranked rules. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=176441734 If Your Having an problem with an high rank , message @DinomiteDom1234 or @xCrystalJxy for help. ____________________________________________________________ When Creating Clothing , Notify An Rank 10 - To Configure your clothing. The money that is invested upon the group , will stay in the group. ---------------------------------------------------------- Founded - 12/10/13 Motto - "A World Without Clothing ,Is An World Without Fashion"