◀✴E•L•I•T•E✴▶ "Win or lose, there is no surrender." ═───╡ELITE Information╞───═ E•L•I•T•E is a Hyrbid Gun/Sword Fighting clan that aids its allies in all ways possible. And eliminates the corrupt armies that exist in the robloxian universe. ═───╡Status╞───═ Exiling Inactive Soldiers and Finding Active Replacements. NOTE: Activity is rewarded, inactivity is not accepted. Proven Superior to: [CN] Cobalt Nation, Saturnity. Stalemated: Nightfall Clan ═───╡Handbook╞───═ http://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=185263465 ═───╡Newsletter╞───═ http://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=182945519 ═───╡Notification╞───═ The Uniform in the group store is outdated and has been replaced by the new uniform which can be found in the handbook. The fort is currently down but soon we will have it up and running. ═───╡Raids╞───═ Won: 7 Lost: 0 ═───╡Wars╞───═ Won: 2 Lost: 0