Dark Legends is a semi-PKing guild in SwordBurst Online. We intend to have very few enemies, but as all guilds have, there are enemies which must be taken down. Pendants-View the full group store. <=====((KOS))=====> <=====((Rules))=====> - If you need to be ranked, post your level on the group wall. An HR will then say '@(Your Username), ranked'. The alternative is to join a Dark Commander or above in-game and request there. - Do not PK allies, make sure you look for a pendant before you kill them. If you kill ## #### on accident who had no pendant on, you will not be punished as it was not your fault, but theirs. - Respect High Ranks! <=====((Ranks))=====> Lvl 1-5 Dark Apprentices Lvl 5-10 Warriors Lvl 10-15 Knights Lvl 15-20 Scout Lvl 20-25 Officer Lvl 25-30 Sergeant Lvl 30-56 Dark Assassin <=====((War History))=====> All wars directed at DL have been won, no losses at this point. Total of 6 wars.