Hi Dolphin

Roblox Group

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9 years ago
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2 years ago
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1 week ago


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school is starting soon! hope you all have an amazing start to the year :)
6 months ago


The #1 Dolphin Group since 2015!

This group exists solely for the "porpoise" of being a collective for users who like Dolphins. We've tried expanding from these roots, but ultimately they've fallen flat. Here you can chat with other people and maybe form some new friendships. If you enjoy this group and want to see it grow, please either donate money or buy some clothes out of our shop. 

For questions (or ideas), contact DolphinBeast.

For those that ask,
Yes, that is the Dolphin Emulator in the logo. I like the emulator and think the dolphin art style is cool. I'm not changing it unless I legitimately get a cease and desist from the creators, which I don't believe is even possible. Don't question me on it, I'm not a law snob.


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