▬▬ - Info - ▬▬ ] We are a new clan thats gonna grow like a few pieces of wood on a fire. In our eyes we dont see defeat, we see victory and you joining is only a step away. [ ▬▬ - Motto - ▬▬ ] "Move Fast, Think First, Die Last, One Shot, One Kill, No Luck, Pure Skill" [ ▬▬ - News - ▬▬ ] Recruit 10 people for a promotion. [ ▬▬ - Main Base - ▬▬ ] Coming Soon. [ ▬▬ - Uniform - ▬▬ ] Shirt: coming soon Pants: coming soon [ ▬▬ - Raid Info - ▬▬ ] Had: N/A Won: N/A Lost: N/A [ ▬▬ - War Score - ▬▬ ] None 0/0 [ ▬▬ - HandBook - ▬▬ ] RULES: