Nyob Zoo! This is a group created for those with an ethnic of Hmong. Should be people who has one of these last names: ► Chang (Cha) ► C h e n g ► Chue (C h u) ► Fang ► Her (Her r or Heu) ► Khang ► Kong ► Kue ► Lee (Le or Ly) ► Lor (Lo) ► Moua (Mua) ► Pha ► Thao (Thor) ► V a n g (Va) ► Vue (Vu) ► X i o n g ► Yang (Ya) ► Hang I'll do my best to keep this group active. Post on the wall what I should rank you as and I'll rank you to that. Correct me if I'm wrong on the information I provide! Since I'm not able to add another rank I will be putting Chengs and Changs together as well as the Phas and Fangs.