[: APOC E.L.I.T.E.S :] Original Group of 6k+ members I led but shutdown due to AR mods losing their war to AE in Apocalypse Rising. Apoc Elites was founded on 6/11/14 by 6 founding fathers including me. I am the last founding father. Eventually I formed a competitive side of AE in both AR and Clanning. We achieved to be the #1 base building apoc team. Mattmocz, matto323, Zealiance and WWIIman1 never owned AE. We've only been defeated by a few nomad groups and defeated many groups. Our Bio, scores, chatroom and our history in Apocalypse Rising was deleted by an enemy we once destroyed but I'll list the notable squads/clans we've destroyed. Squads who have lost to us in official battles: Blatto Squad, Godemis, D-3, Immortal, Paradox Squad, Team Telsa, dogHouse, T3T, Industry Squad, Stealth Squad, Fraud Squad, Vanish Squad, AMACK Squad, Joyous Squad & Ascend. Squads who've destroyed us: Alpha Squad, Fat Cat Squad & Honey Badgers. This group is retired now. AE > ALL