Welcome to TRUE Dance group. This is a dance group that tests your ability on how you can dance not only on your own but as a team. We do go against other dance studios. Win comps to rank up. Mainly this team is to have fun with your friends and enjoy dance for what it is. Home to the old team Power Rangers. One of the best dance teams on ROBLOX winning 4 competitions in a row and holding champions. All Members of an elite team. Owner: iGxzmo Co - Owners: hohoclo & SelfTitIed Managers: xRaxhel & UnDeAdLyDuDe08 Studio - http://www.roblox.com/games/280531422/TRUE-Dance-Studio-NEW Outfit - http://www.roblox.com/Red-TRUE-Tank-w-Black-Shorts-item?id=362225726