- Forces of Chaos FOR THE DARK GODS ----------------------------------- Militant Arm: Traitor Legions / Chaos Cults Communications: In social links. ----------------------------------- The Forces of Chaos are by and large a disunified band of traitors, dissatisfied Imperial citizens, defecting Space Marines, and various humans that have found new purpose in the worship of one or more of the Chaos Gods. In their differences can be found no shortage of infighting and opportunism, united only by a common enemy in the Imperium of Man, and all who oppose their Primordial Truth, the ruinous powers of Chaos. The Forces of Chaos are particularly more cohesive as a force on the galactic stage as a result of the Horus Heresy, as a number of the Emperor's own Space Marine Legions led by His sons, the Primarchs have stepped from his side to the enlightening touch of Chaos, led chiefly by their anointed champion and Warmaster, Horus Lupercal.