This is a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (JJBA) fangroup where you can ask for free ranks and participate in group activities. If you would like a rank change, please post in the group wall which one you would like, and you will get it as long as it isn't an emoji rank. Questions will be posted irregularly in the group shout and you can post your answers on the group wall. ══════════════════ RULES: - No spamming, scamming, or advertising. - Don't post spoilers, but vague references/jokes are mostly okay. - New ranks and merch will only be added when there are enough funds. - Feel welcome to send ally requests if you own a JoJo/anime group. - Be respectful to other members and yourselves. Everyone is welcome here. ══════════════════ It might take a while to get ranked depending on when we are able to check the group wall, so please be patient. Thank you. ══════════════════ Admin and clothing designer applications are closed indefinitely.