Hello everybody its me you're group leader listen,I don't give away Robux for free you need to earn it by earn I mean go around each game and try to sell our product and get members wanting to join and until any of that happens I wont pay any of the funds and 100 isnt alot of funds because I like to pay you guys alot for working hard but ya.happy 2017-2018!!! Company Established: 18th May 2017 INSTRUCTIONS: To buy our clothing, simply click on the 'Store' tab that is on the same row as 'Members', this should be below the description. Motto: Dream big, create big. Website: IN CONSTRUCTION Welcome to a new fashion company that has a wide variety of clothing. As we are new, our clothes take a bit to all come up. Applications: refer to the website (in construction) FOUNDER OF "Hello Fashion ®": hellonelson1