This is the Offical BFG Team™ Fangroup or what I call team u don't have to have BFG backpack to join you can join even if you don't have it.we have meetings at the BFG team meeting place times (note:this is Central time) 12:00pm,2:00pm,6:00pm,8:00pm if we have meetings it will be the time and just join my BFG TEAM meeting place,send me a friend request to say tune to meetings are mostly at epic minigames anytime we are there join if it's at the times listed,we have clans now and we finally have a meeting place,my friends who are the main BFG members Kendra,Keira,Addie,Jessica,Jennifer,chanel,Ava aka Pixie,and John so yeah me and my cousin Addie we are so yeah,the BFG team was made in epic minigames with my friends and Addie said we are BFG team so that's how it was made and These Memories never die,The backpacks never are forgotten,The 9 people bought us together,We are the ones that have a strong bond,the fun and winning never ends between us,WE ARE BFG TEAM-BFG TEAM Aug 2016