Army of the French Empire

Roblox Group

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7 years ago
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35 minutes ago


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Training is now over, there will be another at the Port tomorrow at 8:00 EST with a patrol at Lemont beginning one hour before. We will place at the Port at 7:55! Have a great night France.
1 day ago


Ordre et progrès!
The French Empire is the domain of all French people and is the flame of civilization! After restoring the legacy of His Imperial Majesty Napoleon III in 1852, the French people are once again ready to ensure domestic justice and external peace. Seeing action in the Crimean War and the War of the French Intervention, the military of the Empire has seen glory throughout the world. Vive la France!
Group Headquarters:
Group Activities:
Army Trainings: Weekdays & Sundays at 8:00 PM Eastern Time (1:00 AM British Time | 9:00 AM Filipino Time) | Saturdays at 2:00 PM Eastern Time (19:00 British time) 
Community Battles: Saturdays at 7:30 PM Eastern Time (12:30 AM British Time | 8:30 AM Filipino Time)
Est. 07/17/2016


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