❥Welcome to Boutique!❥ ❥Have fun!❥ ❥Join the group!❥ ❥Be helpful!❥ ❥Welcome,Have fun,Be fun, Tell everyone to join!❥ ❥Welcome to boutique dance academy! We are a group which shows roblox more girls and boys how to dance and new moves! We Have a lot of fun teaching everyone how to dance! we also have new decals every now and then for each season I guess❥ ❥What is tryouts?❥ Tryouts is a map where HR's test you at your dance moves.If you pass you get a level higher and if you sadly don't pass you stay where you are. ❥Interviews❥ Interviews is where HR's tell you all different questions and you answer them with full everything!! if you pass you get straight up to a HR if you dont you stay where you are. ❥ ❥Rules❥ ❥Dont advertise groups/ Games/ Or anything else❥ ❥Follow what we say carefully❥ ❥Follow other ROBLOX rules❥