We are a clothing group, we make clothes For EVRYONE! i 'm currently searching for: a Co-Owner,Admins,Moderators,Known Members,Members. If you wanna be a Example an Admin, PM Praefectos // The Owner and tell a good reason why, abuse = demote and kick. All clothing in this group should be 5 Robux, Nothing else! Admins or Mods Dont touch the pricis without the owners permission. if it goes well, we will search after Clothing designers, and if we get robux all the designers will get payed! (we will only search if it goes well and if we get robux.) All the rules for my group is gonna be on LeafyClothingRules account, PLEASE Check the rules. Beside evrything, have a REALLY good day / night! Also dont forget to check out our Clothing, Bye. =D