Hello welcome to the arc of the king elements official group! heres some rules for the group: dont spam wall, no vulgar language and no "copy and paste for free robux" and stuff like that heres some info on the ranks: magic user: level 1+ strong magic user: level 75+ ultra magic user: level 250+ legendary wizard: level 750+ -PUNISHED-: banned/ kicked, basically there on a time out .3. ----------------------------------------------------------------- (keep in mind, to rank up you have to show admins, taka or me a screenshot of your level, and no admin commands to get the level! you need to get it legit!) ---------------------------------------------------------------- how to apply for admin:https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=200905441 heres the game:https://www.roblox.com/games/527716204/Arc-of-the-King-Elements-V-4-Endless-Powerz