Hello! Please see the studio group created by the WoC devs, Sleepless Studios, for any future information. This group is no longer being updated. ----------------------- The Game: https://www.roblox.com/games/737634314/Wolves-of-Chasma-Rebirth#!/about Welcome to the new WoC Official Group! We moved from the old group a while back, as it was easier for me as GM to moderate. You can still go join the original one if you wish; it's under Allies! Thank you, SalamanderMoon Group Manager of Wolves of Chasma --RULES-- 1. Do not spam. You may be kicked from the group/have your messages removed. Also, please keep messages condensed to help keep the wall clean! 2. No profanity / inappropriate content! This should be self-explanatory. 3. Do not advertise non-Chasma-related content! Many copy-paste scams are fake and potentially dangerous. Refrain from posting them. 4. Do not disrespect other players. You will be kicked.