Welcome! This group is centered around Epic Minigames, The CrusheR, Silent Assassin, and unicorns. ♥ Group created by lovtiny ♥ ✿ Group picture created by Axisli ✿ ✦ 9/12/16 ✦ ⁎ Ranks: ♡ Shoppers - Members who have bought any of the group's clothing. ♡ Active - Frequent group wall posters. ♡ Respected - Longtime active wall posters & generally respectable people. ♡ Bronze - Pro (EM), Myth (TC), or Intermediate (SA) badge. ♡ Silver - Epic (EM), Golden Survivor (TC), or Seasoned (SA) badge. ♡ Golden - Winner (EM), SurvivoR (TC), or Advanced (SA) badge. ♡ Diamond - Leader (EM), LeadeR (TC), or Top Player (SA) badge. ♡ Platinum - Reached the top 10 on any of the three games mentioned. (We cannot rank you if your settings prevent us from seeing your badge inventory.) ⁑ Group Rules: ♡ Don’t promote anything that isn’t related to this group. ♡ Try not to spam the group wall. ♡ Respect one another.