We use an random Number picker beetwen 1-(howmuchmembers) and then we gonna giveaway :D ---------------------------------- How to dont get kicked ----------------------- 1. please this group give to your friends 2. Wanna upload a shirt for admin only 3. buy shirt you are admin 4. Respect the Admins! 5. dont say some crap in the group wall 6. Say how much ROBUX u got from the group and if its in the shout :) 7. The Shout gets always updated if i pay out some robux 8. Have fun and check out my game :D Link for my game : https://www.roblox.com/games/628223490/Lumber-Tycoon You dont need to be active its your fault u can create designs but dont need to :) ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello & Welcome to BC Shirts creators group! This is an Giveaway group . 90% of the robux we earn we are giving away :)