Hacker Roleplay

Roblox Group

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8 years ago
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3 years ago
Stats Updated
31 minutes ago


 Hello there, we're a group of enthusiastic programmers and scripters, we don't condone ROBLOX exploiting and we try to clean out as many of those people as they join.

Get awesome clothes here: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=3407145

We have a constantly growing member base which allows newer members to make friends with some of our OG Members and overall have a good time whilst' they're in the group. We hope to have a safe & fun community for our members and we try our best to keep all of the bad members out.

If you're wanting to or needing to buy clothing, feel free to check out our huge selection of catalog items, we also create games, and help people who need help.

If you're looking to join an active, friendly and loving community I think this group will fit your needs, even if you don't do any of the following we'd still welcome you as our own, and treat you the same as we do everyone else. 


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