LS-17 Productions

Roblox Group

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8 years ago
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2 years ago
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56 minutes ago


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If your group has 5k members send a Affiliate to this group!
4 years ago


Quality clothes. Fresh jordans. Custom, CHEAP. LS-17 Productions is the best clothing group. This group is not a gang is a Production group hence the title. Some are custom and some are cheaper versions of a expensive item. **This group is not a gang is a Production group hence the title. Alot of clothes specific styles, Jordans/Yeezy nike/addidas set specific clothing, roleplay whatever the case is we have the clothing to tote it realisticroleplay, whatever. ** --2023 update-- lotta history to this group to the OG old heads that know you know!, still selling all of the group items from old Rolling 60s x LTM x Rolling 20s x HeadHunterZ for some reason It still seems popular today. Who knows maybe people are still out there ghost. Regardless of whether you just like the clothes or are creating a revolution isn't itself LS-17 Productions holds a lot of inventory of things to choose. Buy the clothes from Mark of Veterans and move in pride as the new generation to carry the vandals. ent


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