Legendary MM2 Gods

Roblox Group

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7 years ago
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2 years ago
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1 month ago


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If you are trading in a MM2 Value List TS, USE MM2 VALUES, NOT SUPREME. It also goes the OTHER WAY AROUND. I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen people use the wrong list in a TS for MM2. It gets annoying...
3 years ago


We are a group of players who play MM2 that work together to achieve our goals! To get promoted post your prestige on the wall. Be friendly to others and don't be rude too or you will be kicked out. If someone is being mean to you tell a higher rank. If you get demoted that will be to your inactivity on Roblox, so make sure your on often! Also, tell your friends to join. Join our allies to support us too! This group was founded by RockingKiwiny in 2017 and given to Gemdimond007 in 2018. Returned to RockingKiwiny in 2020.


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