TGE | Imperial Navy

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7 years ago
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For an entire year, and 18 days, the Imperial Navy was shut down and closed until further notice. But now, with the authority granted by the Imperial Executor and the Grand Vizier, the Imperial Navy has been re-opened! Glory!
2 months ago


The role of the Imperial Navy was the absolute dominance of known space in the name of the Empire as well as enforcing the Emperor's will.  It was created in the wake of the Clone Wars, when Chancellor Sheev Palpatine transformed the Galactic Republic into an authoritarian Empire. Consisting mainly of Imperial Star Destroyers and a wide array of TIE series variants, the Imperial Navy was tasked with maintaining order in the galaxy and putting down signs of rebellion.
"The starfleet is a sea. It is endless, cannot be beaten, and given enough time turns even the strongest rocks to sand."
Maximum Capacity: 50000
Purpose: Naval Command
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