Nubs Lives Matter is an anti bullying group. We think nobody should be bullied, and help support people who do. Check out our affiliates and twitter! @NubsLives 👍☑️ 📜 GROUP RULES: No bullying. No spamming in the group wall. Do NOT bypass the ROBLOX filter. Do NOT be disrespectful to MEMBERs. No racism is tolerated. DO NOT BREAK ROBLOX'S RULES ------------------------------------------ 📜 👑 ADMIN/HIGH RANK RULES: Follow the group rules. 📜 Do not upload inappropriate assets to the group. Do not kick random members. Do not use group shouts inappropriately (Ex: "im cool, give me robux and stuff like that.) Do your job. (Ex: Being a mod that does nothing at all.) Do not ADMIN ABUSE. ------------------------------------------ IF YOU FAIL TO WORK WITH THESE RULES YOU WILL BE WARNED. IF YOU ARE WARNED AGAIN YOU WILL BE SUSPENDED. ⭐ (IMPORTANT) - If you are in this group please do not bully bully's just tell them to stop. Need help? Ask a high rank! 👑😃 Make sure to have fun! 😃