⚜ Founded on 3/26/17 ⚜ ⚜Cheer Group- Masquerade Athletics⚜ ------------------------------------------------- MDC is a group dedicated to helping dancers be at their best. We are a growing, active, and loyal group. All while hosting classes daily, weekly and tryouts monthly. We are always looking to challenge dancers while still having fun. Our goal is to help every dancer to become their fullest here with a passion. -------------------------------------------------------------- Rank Guide- Stars ⚜Junior Dancer⚜- 4 ⚜Intermediate Dancer⚜- 8 ⚜Senior Dancer⚜- 16 ⚜Gifted Dancer⚜- 32 ⚜Professional Dancer⚜- 64 ------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for joining our community, we appreciate each and every one of you. I hope you have a great time and have fun! ------------------------------------------------ CURRENTLY OWNED BY Em_mee AND QueenOfStyIe