Welcome to L*BlockyLands AKA A Communist Country AND THIS COUNTRY WILL BE PEACEFUL. and Fight ROBLOX's Censorship. using means and ways I have yet to uncover. McDonalds is now free in this country. and Shamrock Shakes everyday. Bonuses: Being Female is a Plus. Being Rich and Famous is a Plus. Being a ROBLOX Blogger/Uploader is a plus. TransHumans have extensive cybernetic modifications including brain and chest surgery, and implantation of various mechanical devices in their bodies to the point of being enhanced cyborgs. There is also a noticeable hole in the soldier's neck, implying that the vocal cords are being removed and replaced by a vocoder to communicate with others. Being the Blocky military personnel, TransHuman Soldiers are given access to military-grade equipment. RULES: No Exploiting No Bashing Capitalism or our Government. Follow Leaders Orders. No Self Advertising on the group wall. what to do when raiding. l - Troll People. ll- Spam Chat