Die-hard Deadpool fans (though we hope it doesn't come to that)! Get a "Deadpool Name" rank by having Deadpool in your name in some form. Become an admin by proving your fanocity to Deadpool in a crazy way, like making a (DECENT) Deadpool place/costume (you have to message me if you want to be admin, along with a link to your place/costume). These have to made with REAL effort, mmkay? I can tell. Put your back into it! I promote people via RANDOM SPOT CHECKS, sometimes days apart, sometimes weeks apart, and sometimes months apart (but I'm less proud of that one)! [NOTE: The "Deadpool" rank, given to people wearing a Deadpool costume at the time I go through it, has been removed! This group has over 1,000 members, would YOU want to go through all those people?! I didn't think so! Sorry]