This group is no longer in use as a development group of the M(yth) genre, now a general development group for current and former members of the M(yth) genre. This group was originally created by G0Z in 2017 to assistant upcoming myths/myth genre developers with projects related to the M(yth) genre until 2020 when it was passed down it's current head: Mulberries. The group shifted focus from being a group about M(yth) genre developers as a whole to being a development group for veterans of the community who wished to come back and have development support for their myths/projects. Most of the projects in this group were picked due to trust and talent (not 'popularity'.) Post-2022, it became a group solely for collaborating between those in the group. Due to miscommunication the group was taken over from Mulberries by the members of it causing a divide between the group's image and what it was actually for. Now in 2024, it no longer is functional as a M(yth) development group. :o(