$ Y2K ENT. 💙 founded april 24 by: BTW4L 💜 💙 RULES: ╭ ..:* Rules ..:* ┊no self promo ┊ no racism ┊ no bullying ┊ no begging for robux ┊ respect all members and staff 💜 RANKS: ╭ ..:* RANKS ..:* ┊ customers 0 ┊ trap stars 1+ ┊ shoppers 3+ ┊ bratz 5+ ┊ stunnas 8+ ┊ trappas 11+ ┊ gangsters ♕ 15+ ┊ materials 21+ ┊ petite 27+ ┊ staff - admins ┊ muted - breaking rules personal rank https://www.roblox.com/catalog/13232873741/purple-and-black 💙 ABOUT US: ┊ All clothing is priced 5-7 Robux ┊ We offer a wide variety of Styles ┊ We sell both genders of clothing ┊ credits to all original creators, if u have any issues or need ur clothing taken down, dm me (BTW4L). ┊now hiring staff, if u would like to be staff please dm me or comment on wall to become staff $ Y2K ENT. copyright© all rights reserved. 💜