🔱Welcome to Submarine Roleplay Community This group is a part of The Naval Roleplay Community: https://www.roblox.com/groups/3534363 ⚓NRPC is a roleplay community encompassing a wide variety of militaries and time periods. Gain promotions in factions by attending and achieving in official events! ⚓Originally the predecessor to Naval Roleplay Community (NRPC) in 2017. Now revived to accommodate U-Boat RP and the Typhoon Class RP. ---------------------------- 🔱Promotion Guide: > Join an NRPC faction found in group allies to start your career in more specific genres like the Royal Marines. (unrelated to gamepasses). > NRPC acts as a main hub for each faction. This can be used to host events, gatherings, etc. > Roles in this group act purely as for credit. Gamepasses correlate primarily to in-game content and not for gaining 'promotions'. NRPC endorsed factions offer a more formalised military experience. ---------------------------- 🔱Communications link found below if eligible.