Buzz Buzz Buzz~~ The Exploration Craft Group! Bee. 🐝 Welcome to Bee's Community, also Referred to as The Exploration Craft Group! This community brings members creativity into making games they want! SUB TO The Exploration Craft Group! - Roblox Doors, NPCs are becoming Smart! and More Horror Games! I play for content Community Creation 5/30/23 Make discussions on the wall about anything and ask the owner for certain things to keep it family friendly Check Exploration Bee's Social Media 🎮 for Future Game Nights and more fun! NOTE: Buy the shirts and pants for VIP rank, which gives you permissions in my community. 👕 Rules: Treat all members with kindness and respect. No harassment, bullying, or offensive language. Avoid spamming the chat with excessive messages, links, or advertisements. Keep the conversation relevant and meaningful.