In a galaxy far far away..... Welcome to the A.G.A.R Owner-huh Co-owner-zander If you have any questions feel free to ask a high rank. Legions: The 129th Sky Corps- Led by Zander The 105th Mud Hoppers-Led by Clone 48th Guarding Battalion-Led by Force 75th Jungle Battalion-Led by Colt The ARF Platoon Led by kaka The 56th Sniper Battalion-Led by Fitkisto The Advanced 459th-Led by huh The 89th Assault Battalion-Led by NiniDa The 54th-Led by Wits The 147th-Led by ELI Special AGAR Forces-Led by Oof Black Hawks- Led by Skull 37th - led by Mujeeb Squads: Blitz Squad Eagle Squad Trapper Squad Whole-shot Squad Rattle Squad Sniper Squad Fire-ball Squad Reinforcer Squad Snow Squad Camo Squad Gold-wing Squad Guard Squad Redat Squad Powder Squad Leaf Squad Rab Squad Ellead Squad Platoons: Joe's platoon- led by Joe 22nd platoon- led by Cheese