Hi Guys! So I made a new update to the Group New Roles! New Stuff Here is a explanation of the New Group Roles and on how to get in! |~Peasants-~ Yes ur a peasant Always a Peasent🥰 |~Special Peasents-~ Maybe if ur special to me I will add u |~Friends-~ Yes u need to be a friend of me in roblox😏 |~IRL Friends-~ Only if u know me irl 👍 |~Quarantined-~ Oops u did something stupid like bullying spamming and I shall ban u |~Adopt me-~ So I will add u to adopt me if u are rich and have at least a leg pet |~Doomspire BrickBattle-~ Again I will add u if u have at least 500+ Kills in the game |~Balkan People-~ if ur from balkan ur in this role |~Bulgaria 🇧🇬-~ if ur from Bulgaria🤑🤑 |~Besties-~ NOT AVAILABLE PEASENTS 🙄🙄 |~Owner-~Yes Greedy_Scropion