⚠️Foreword⚠️ As you may already know this group is dedicated to the myth community. This community can be unsafe at times and we recommend any users under the age of 13 to stay away from anything myth related. As always stay safe! Welcome to Kryptic Mysteries the home to some of the most Kryptic Mysteries of Roblox! Rules: -Follow ROBLOX TOS -No scam bots -No scam links -Game/group links are allowed -⚠️ MAKE SURE TO Request a role and we will rank accordingly⚠️ Roles: -Curious-Regular group member/unranked -Myth Hunter- A person who uncovers the hidden story of a myth -Part Myth- part of a myth or an incomplete myth -Myth- A Roblox myth -Kryptic Mystery- A well thought out myth with perfect originality and an excellent tale. 🔥Partnership🔥 All of our affiliates that can be found in the Allies tab should be checked out!