Hello! Welcome to the Aspiring Writers! I assume you've become interested in the many creative hobbies called Writing. Before I get into all of that please read the rules/info down below. Info: Founded 9/24/23 Founded by Sage F = Fiction N = Nonfiction B = Both Rules: Do not disrespect any writing or people Respect all staff as they are superiors Do not advertise unless given perms Have Fun! Quotes to Remember: “Writing is an act of discovering what you think and what you believe.” -Dan Pink "The scariest moment is always just before you start-.” - -HOW TO GET YOUR RANK-- So all you have to do is say what rank you write in the most. It could be Fantasy to Fiction to Horror, etc. A hr or staff will rank you soon after you say what you want. That's all! Any questions you should ask in the wall!