Hi, and welcome to Splicefur's Roblox film crew! I apologize for not using this group as often as I should. The main reason is that whenever I try, no one seems to show up! I don’t blame you all—I don't think the group sends any notifications, so it's not your fault! Feel free to join me if my joins are on, but please don’t be weird and just stare! Come up, say hi, and ask if you can join in on what I’m doing. If I say no, please respect that. If you’d like a screenshot, just ask when I’m not super busy. I may be coming out with some roblox merch soon! Just gotta figure out how to do it hehe <3 Staff: Aspen(@01unifan), Kiryu (@SilverRealm_WCUE), Chestnut (@callie_celeste3), Crookshaw (@xMrDean), Mustang (@xMightyMustang) Banner: itshuskee