The no owner group claimer group is a group where we claim groups with no owner Job descriptions Claimer:claimer are a vital part of the group a claimer job is to go looking for groups with no owner and then claim them and come back to the group page and let me know I will then join the group you should then give the ownership to me I'll fix the group up and then give it back to you. Fixer:a fixer is another vital part of the group that you become after you have claimed 4 groups a fixer waits until I send them a message and asks them to fix a particular group I will then ask you to join the group and then give you the ownership of the group and then tell them how I want the group fixed and you can go and fix it that way.After that I will tell you who I want you to give the ownership to. Bc claimer:a bc claimer does exactly the same as a claimer only a tiny bit harder you can only do it if you have bc in your job you are a claimer only you claim builders club only groups(pl